Who We Are, The Story of Learn Ubuntu Org
This narrative describes who we are at learn Ubuntu Org Inc. It describes how we formed, our mission,our goals and our dreams to make the world a better place, one student at a time.
13. Ubuntu Technology Center Overview
Ubuntu Technology Center Overview |
This document will outline the plans for the Ubuntu Technology Center, which is a scalable model for a community based Technology Center and storefront, which can be used to support RACHEL systems along with other Ubuntu Linux and Free Open Source based technology for communities in remote, rural areas, as well as Inner City impoverished neighborhoods by providing education in support of STEM based programs for members of that community. Many of the paid services offered here will assist in providing the necessary income to support the sustainability of RACHEL systems. |
The RACHEL system which is an acronym that stands for Remote Areas Community Hotspots for Education and Learning is an appliance, shown on the left, which works as a combination WiFi hotspot and Linux based content server. It contains a 500G storage capacity and will function to deliver educational course content, as well as media in the form of Video, Audio, Interactive Courseware, and an e-book library. Since this is a self contained system it will function to deliver this content to the community without the immediate need for an Internet connection. If an Internet connection is available then it can be used to update the content for the RACHEL system. If there is no available Internet connectivity then updates for the system can be shipped to each location, via USB memory sticks or other media than can be administratively connected to the RACHEL file system to provide content updates. |
As shown in the illustration above, the RACHEL system can provide content to many types of devices for students and community residents access. In reality this behaves as a stand-alone Intra-net system for the community. |
This system can be expanded out to service the local community by the use of WiFi repeaters to provide service to the community. This way we bring the content into the homes of subscribers, which can be provided at a low monthly cost, which can be initially subsidized by funding but ultimately, once the training has provided employment opportunities these same community members that were once students can now become employees by providing this expanding service to their communities. This can provide an opportunity for those in the area with an entrepreneurial spirit to succeed by following this business model to provide this expanded service to the community. For this reason we should also provide some media content along with the Educational content. For example a young man or woman may be interested in learning this technology to build a career for themselves but their senior family members would be more interested in using the system to catch up on the world news, sporting events, or to watch a movie. A model such as this could also use the media entertainment features to provide a platform that could realize advertising revenues for the media services which would also lead to the self sustainability of the overall system. Advertising revenue can be often though of as something that a non profit organization would not be involved in, however if we consider the benefit of self-sustainability for the RACHEL availability to a community then why not use the potential advertising income to sustain something that is good for the overall community. It is worth noting that most people would rather watch free content with commercials rather than to pay for it. |
Services and Product Sales which can be offered at the Technology Center
Store Policies
Above is a proposed floor plan for the technology center. Some of the areas worth mention here include to following.