Who We Are, The Story of Learn Ubuntu Org

section iconThis narrative describes who we are at learn Ubuntu Org Inc. It describes how we formed, our mission,our goals and our dreams to make the world a better place, one student at a time.

3. Learn Ubuntu in a Nutshell

Here is the short list of Projects that we have planned and in progress for Learn Ubuntu Org Inc.

happy student

First and foremost our goal is to bring up to date and useful courses to students in order to teach them new technical skills that they can put to use to better their community and to provide support for their families.

If you are a student then scroll down the main page to see the courses. Many of these allow a guest login. Use the password ubunturocks to get to view the courses for free and see if they interest you.

moodle logoWe are currently porting our course content to the moodle format in order to make it more accessible to students around the world. Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.
aaace network logoBy combining new Internet VOIP technology with existing college campus analogue CATV systems we can deliver course content and lecture series at a fraction of the cost of using traditional Satellite and Broadcast Systems. We can effectively recycle lots of equipment from the US and other countries that have gone to digital broadcasting protocols and frequencies. 
DE Africa LogoWe  have already shipped two appliances to Nairobi Kenya and Kaduna Nigeria. Initially Learn Ubuntu Org will provide programming for the network which eventually will head-end in Nairobi, in cooperation with our partner DeAfrica. This will facilitate television conferences and programming to be originated from among the pool of participating college campuses throughout Africa and eventually expand to Asia and the Americas.

The AAACE project has begun and participants can now begin training by signing up for the following courses on our virtual Server:

vidiots guide course logoThe Vidiots Guide to Multimedia Production using Ubuntu Studio will cover the basics in support technology for Media Production and Streaming Distribution, using the Ubuntu Studio Workstation as a platform. This is an Intermediate Level Course. If the student is not familiar with Ubuntu Linux then they could take the  Learn Ubuntu Basics Course to get up to speed on Ubuntu Linux. You may click on the image, on the left and login as guest with the password ubunturocks to preview the course material.

Video Production ConsoleThe AAACE Project course describes in details how to construct and maintain the many available AAACE Modules for Television Production. This course is divided into sections which cover each module that comprise a full AAACE Head end Media System. In Layman's terms this is a television studio built to use the Internet for content delivery. In addition to support of clients, including Laptops, Tablets, and smart phones media distribution is  also supported on legacy distribution systems such a Close Circuit (cable) TV, CATV. You may click on the image, on the left and login as guest with the password ubunturocks to preview the course material.

visayas relief org logo

Through our partnership with the Visayas Relief Fund we will be setting upemergency and educational system an emergency Relief and Emrgency Communications system for the San Carlos Area in Negros Occidental as well as a virtual classroom to bring technology and excitement to young students in that area and provide rudimentary as well as technical skills to people in the area. The system shown on the right uses Ubuntu Linux Servers and workstations to provide the backbone storage and control of the communications system. It is designed to work with Smart Phone SIP clients as well as laptops and PC's. When not being used for emergency communications the system can be used for education via the Moodle Virtual Classroom Server along with the Apache Open Meetings Whiteboard Server for live, on line interaction between Instructors and Students. With this a student can do all of their homework on their tablet or PC and the cost savings versus text books is quite favorable in terms of education per dollar cost is quantified.

As part of this project we will be training local teachers to use the moodle system to create fun and exciting course-ware to engage the young and talented minds in that part of the world.

logoWe currently are working on plans for an Ubuntu Technology stire, along with community outreach. this model can be implemented in developing countries, as well as inner cities in the US to help bring property and technology to these areas.  There is a separate section in this book on our beginning that describes the store plans in detail.

rachel systemAs a joint project with deAfrica we are working on a course and media delivery system for rural areas in developing countries that may not yet have full Internet access. You can see the section titled RACHEL project here for more details. This is a scalable system which can start with a small community in a rural area and eventually be scaled up to service larger and metropolitan inner cities.

learn ubuntu tech support

Our Organization can help others. These days technology in the areas of Communications, Media, Computers and Networking can be a real challenge for most non-profit organizations. Learn Ubuntu Org offers technical support packages for other non-profits such as producing a fund raising video, setting up computer systems for business and education, managing Telecommunications systems, such as Asterisk and support for delivering content to Social Networking Systems, such as Facebook, Google+ and YouTube. This helps everybody because as we train new students this affords them an opportunity to apply their new skills, under close supervision of learn Ubuntu Instructors,  and provides extremely cost effective technical support for other non-profits.

We have already help organizations such as the Loyal Order of the Moose and Veterans of Foreign Wars. If your non-profit needs help contact us at techsupport@learnubuntu.org for more information.

Learn Ubuntu Green Initiave

Through our green initiative we recycle technical equipment such as cell phones, tablets, computers and other AV equipment for use by our student and instructors as well as to provide refurbished equipment for other non-profit organizations throughout the world.

If you have equipment to donate it can be claimed by you as a tax deduction. To contact us to donate equipment please email us at: donate@learnubuntu.org

If you represent a certified non-profit organization and are looking for technical equipment, as described above then please contact us at: request@learnubuntu.org

If what you have read so far is enough for you to make a donation then you can use the PayPal button, above, to donate any amount you can. No donation is too small and every donation helps us to achieve our goals.